Microbiome News

IMPACTT Microbiome Standards

The microbiome standards for gut microbiome studies are now available via IMPACTT. For more information, please visit https://www.impactt-microbiome.ca/microbiome-standards/

IMPACTT pan-Canadian Microbiome Research Core

IMPACTT (Integrated Microbiome Platform for Advancing Causation Testing and Translation) is the new pan-Canadian Microbiome Research Core funded by CIHR.

See impactt-microbiome.ca and @IMPACTT_Canada for more details and current activities.

Great list of women in microbiology

The latest and greatest list of women working in the field of microbiology published by Microbiome Digest

Workshop: Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop in Metagenomics Course Material Available Online

Course material from the latest Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop (CBW) on “Analysis of Metagenomics Data” is available at on the CBW website

Topics covered include marker-gene analysis, shotgun sequencing, metatranscriptomics, and statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis.

This workshop was organized by Ann Meyers from the CBW, William Hsiao (BCCDC), John Parkinson (U of Toronto), Fiona Brinkman (SFU), Laura Hug (U of Waterloo) and Morgan Langille and Rob Beiko (Dalhousie).

Workshop: Second Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop in Metagenomics

The second Canadian Bioinformatics Workshop in Metagenomics will be held in Vancouver between June 22-24, 2016. Topics to be covered will include marker-gene analysis, shotgun sequencing and metatranscriptomics. This workshop is being organized by Michelle Brazas and Francis Ouellette from the CBW, Fiona Brinkman (SFU), Will Hsiao (BCCDC), John Parkinson (U of T), and Morgan Langille and Rob Beiko (Dalhousie).

Microbiome Canada is now live

Microbiome Canada is a site to connect microbiome researchers from across Canada. Please register yourself and add your research areas of interest and expertise!