Having IMPACTT 4: Advancing Microbiome Research | June 3-5, 2024

IMPACTT (Integrated Microbiome Platforms for Advancing Causation Testing and Translation) and the IMC (International Microbiome Centre) are organizing the Having IMPACTT 4: Advancing Microbiome Research Symposium on June 3-5, 2024 at the Malcolm Hotel in Canmore, AB, Canada. The symposium is of interest to microbiome researchers, clinicians, trainees, and members of industry.

The goal for this symposium is to bring together leading minds and highlight the latest findings and new discoveries from microbiome research teams across Canada and around the world. From causation testing to translational studies, world-class researchers will share their findings on how our microbiome shapes our health, and how we can harness the power of our microbes to improve global wellbeing.

The session topics include:
- Session 1: Microbiome in Early Life
- Session 2: Innovative Approaches for Elucidating Microbiome Function
- Session 3: Harnessing the Microbiome
- Session 4: Microbiome, Metabolites & Disease
- Session 5: Microbiome Regulation in Cancer & Cancer Therapy
- Special Topic: Microbiome Sequencing & Computational Development

Registration and abstract submissions are now open.

For more detail, please visit https://www.impactt-microbiome.ca/having-impactt-2024-symposium/